Our Beliefs
At 3 Angels Messages we believe "TRUE GRACE" provides the power, when the sinner surrenders his/her will over to the Holy Spirit, to OVERCOME all fleshly desires and all SIN. This is accomplished by and through the power of Jesus when we repent turning from serving our flesh and through faith trust the Lord to work in our lives. Philippians 4:13
Our Vision
To proclaim to the world the last warning message called the "3 Angels Messages"! We know the final judgement has begun and we are living in the final days where the choices we make today will in fact decide our eternal destiny. The spirit of God will not always dwell with man as Satan continues to perpetuate his call to worship him by honoring the papacy's unsanctified day of worship Sunday. The Creator God commands us to return and remember His true worship day which is Sabbath the 7th day. This is the 4th Commandment found in Exodus 20:8
Our Doctrines
For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God Romans 3:23, 1 John 3:4
The wages of sin is Death but his gift is eternal life. Romans 6:23
We are justified by faith alone when we believe Jesus died for us and we are Sanctified (made holy) by obedience to his commandments done out of a gratitude of love.
We represent our Savior and creator by remembering his 4th Commandment to honor HIS Sabbath DAY to keep it Holy unto Jesus whereby we worship the creator.
We believe in the three fold union of God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit which are all one.
We believe Jesus is our high priest/mediator in the Holy Sanctuary. He will return very soon right after the end of the judgement which is ongoing now.
The Bible says the Dead are now asleep in the graves waiting for Jesus return and resurrection where we are caught up to go with him back to heaven for 1000 years Satan and his evil angels are all bound here on earth to contemplate what they have done. The evil dead sleep in the grave for this 1000 years.
At the end of the 1000 year millennium, we all return with Jesus as he will resurrect the evil and lost dead to be destroyed with Hell fire and they shall be no more.
Jesus then recreates the world here on earth and restores what was once found in Eden. This ends the brutal results of sin and sin shall be no more.